Monday, April 16, 2012

Things to come

So, with my first  book having been out for about three months now and the first draft of my second book almost done, I figure I'll give you a little preview of what's to come in the future. I've had it asked if Gabriel is going to continue past this first book, and the answer to that is no. I always planned on that book being a standalone story, and I feel like it wrapped up well. Though I'm sure there could be more that could happen within that world, I have no plans to write anything else involving those characters. I love them all, but no further story with them has presented itself to me.

My next book is going to be the first in a series though. I don't have any solid plans yet for how many books are going to end up being in the series at the moment. It's going to be the 'Providence series', and it will be a fantasy-based series that takes place in a somewhat dieselpunk setting. It's going to be heavily influence by myths, legends and folklore from around the world. The series will revolve around the six crew members of the airship, Providence, and their run-ins with the creatures from that myths and legends that people don't believe are real.

In the first book the small crew runs into an old friend from the Captain's past. The man, Breandan McCoy, is a Shifter who deals with unusual problems that are tied to the supernatural world. As the Captain, Quinn, tries to reconnect and settle what he sees as an old debt to Breandan he finds himself and his crew pulled into the middle of a series of murders and disappearance that the Shifter is investigating. Meanwhile, Breandan ends up wishing he'd continued to avoid any meetings with people from his past from before he was turned into a Shifter as he deals with the town's growing suspicions that he's the one responsible for the deaths he's trying to stop.

Between the twin sisters who run things on the financial side as well as being the ship's protection detail to the ship's doctor who doesn't like to talk about his past, the crew has plenty of history with each other as well as secrets they keep hidden. Over the course of the series we will learn more and more about each of them, and what has managed to bring the small group together to form a tight knit family aboard the ship.

I have another series I'm brainstorming on, but I haven't quite solidified the entire concept quite yet. I have two main characters who's personalities are already strongly present, I just need to decide on some things when it comes to the world they're going to inhabit. I'm working those detail out slowly but surely so that when I do finish the first Providence book I can hopefully get started on the first book of this series.

That's a little taste of what I'm working on. I'll probably get a full summary up once I'm closer to finishing the second draft of my next book, and I'm hoping to have it ready to be released no later than the end of this year if not perhaps a little earlier depending on how smoothly things go.

Thanks, and have a great week.

Until next time dears...

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