Saturday, March 9, 2013

A little update and a few thoughts

All right, a quick update first and foremost.
Gabriel – It’s been reedited and just needs to have the edits entered into the file on the computer and then read through one more time as a check. Then it will simply be a matter of making sure the formats work right. Once this is done the kindle file will be updated and I’ll likely have a few free days for you to pick up the kindle version so that those who’ve previously gotten the book and want a newly edited copy can grab one as well as any curious new readers.
Providence book 1 – The first book of this series is coming along though slower than I had planned. It’s a mix of things including a shortage on writing time and then a bit of writer’s block that’s been happening. I’m aiming for it to be completed by the end of this year though and at least ready for editing if not release via kindle.
General life – I’ve been busy with work and school the last few months, and been dealing with a bit of feeling stuck in place which is likely contributing to the writer’s block and procrastination on things. I’m attempting to change a few things within my life to help with this, one of which is looking into buying a place so I can get out of the dreaded apartments. Though I don’t want to live in Colorado once I’m out of school I’ve calculated that going part time will take me at least another 5 years to complete my degree, and the thought of living in an apartment that entire time in draining. My only real fear is that I’ll get a place and find myself trapped in it when I’m ready to move on.
Now, a short little bit on some of things I’ve realized over the past year or so since Gabriel has been out on Kindle. I’m insanely proud of my little book despite the knowledge that the editing could be better; a fact that wasn’t helped by the person who had originally been doing the editing for me flaked on that job. I could have likely edited it better myself than I did, though I’d been working on it for close to 2 years if I remember right and there’s the simple truth that when you’ve been staring at something for that long you tend to miss your own mistakes more. Luckily, I have a new editor who, though not an editor by profession, is at least helping me catch and fix a good chunk of the grammar and spelling mistakes that happen when you’re typing like a madwoman.
I’ve also realized how strong some people hold onto their views that if you’re self published it must mean you weren’t good enough. I personally chose to self publish because it worked better for me; I never even tried in the traditional send it off to the publishers way. Though I would love writing to someday support me the honest fact is that for most writers it isn’t the only thing they do to survive, and right now I wouldn’t even have the time to begin to think where to start on that end. It’d be nice to be published by an actual publisher, but the self publishing was something suggested to me and I’ve found it works. There are still some things that are far more difficult with it, such as advertising when you’re on your own especially as I’ve never been someone who really put out there that I write in the first place.
 It’s also getting people to see that just because you’re self published doesn’t mean your book is inherently bad. I’ve both people I know and strangers doubt whether my book is worth reading simply because of this fact. You can’t do much about this other than tell them that they won’t know unless they give it a chance. I’ve had the exact words of “well anyone can self publish” to “you probably don’t really want me to read it” said as excuses why people won’t give it a shot. Really, I don’t care that much. I’d love some constructive criticism; it’s how you grow as a writer. The thing is that it should be constructive, not just you’re decision to be rude or mean. I’ve gotten some great criticism in the small handful of reviews I’ve received, and I love and appreciate it.
Speaking of reviews, I’ve also found that the number of books you’ve sold either through actual sales or giveaways rarely show in the amount of reviews you get. I’ve gotten maybe 5 reviews in all on my book between people who’ve bought it and those who got it during a free day. I’d love to hear what people think if they’ve read Gabriel or read any of my future stories. So, please don’t be afraid to review even if you did dislike it.
I think that’s going to be it for now. I haven’t forgotten about this little blog, things are just hectic and what time I have to write I’ve been trying to focus on getting work on Providence done.
I have been thinking of starting a blog that will be snippets of writing exercise and such, so if you’d be interest in something like that let me know.
Until next time, my dears…

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