Monday, January 23, 2012

My writing over the years

I can't claim that my writing experiences are going to be different or the same as somebody else's. However, having toiled with writing for quite a long time now I've found that different things work better for me than other suggestions I've received or tried over the years.

My first real memory of something I wrote was a country song. Yes, I was probably only seven or so and I was trying my hand at country music. It's a bit ridiculous, and I don't really remember what the song was even about. The only real clear memory I have of this attempt at greatness was my mom saying perhaps the man in the song should be drinking something like orange juice instead of beer. That was probably good advice for a seven year old, especially since I most likely didn't even understand fully what beer was other than something adults drank, but at the time I just felt like she was trying to change my creative endeavor. 

I wrote through middle and high school, the stories ranging from frilly teen romance to horror and then one simply ridiculous story about a group of guy's saving the world. That one really lacked much plot, but I've found the characters have stuck with me despite that little fact. I didn't do much writing in college besides what was needed in class, at least not as far as story attempts went. It was only after I'd been out of my first run of college for a few years that I sat down to really write a story again. It wasn't as easy as I had remembered, but after a while something started to take shape. 

When I say that Gabriel is a personal story for me it's not because I have a lot of experience with horror within my life. It's the characters for me that are personal as they each feel like a part of me, they're something I created and molded. I have a lot I could say about them, but I also prefer not to give much away about the plot here for those who haven't read it. It's not fun to have things spoiled for you. 

My new story has a couple of those old characters of mine, though they've changed a lot over the years as I've worked on developing them into real characters that aren't flat and have their own purposes. I was afraid I wouldn't find a home for them but as I started working on the plot for what will be not only my next book, but a series of books, I discovered that they belonged there in that world. They are very different then when I first created them, but the personalities they started with have grown with them. 

Over a period of time is how I feel things work best for me when I develop a story now. I'll come up with the plot, know the basics and as I write I think of more things that would better or further the story. Not all of them make it in due to not really fitting the story or for not helping in furthering the plot or characters. I'm not an outliner who plans each point ahead, but I always know where my story is going. Where my attempts at writing will take me, I'm not sure, but it's something I love so I know I'll keep trying my hand at it. 

Next Monday I'll try to post a little about where some of my inspiration comes from when I'm feeling stuck. 

Take care :)

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